October 23, 2008

Pink Flower Updated

The more I looked at the center of the pink flower from yesterday, the more it felt wrong.
So I removed the woven center ring and the 4 briolettes, replaced with 3mm silver clipped cube beads woven into the armature (just like the tutorial), tied several amethyst chips, rose quartz, and glass briolettes into a bundle, then attached the bundle to the flower (as the center of this flower). Here's the updated version; better, don't you think?
More views here.
btw, I saved the original center ring; there's got to be something I can make out of this ...

Glow in the Dark Earrings (just in time for Holloween)

These are cute earrings following Eni Oken's design (my homework for the day). They don't show in these pictures, but the beads glow in the dark, really they do. I don't know how to photograph the glowing effect ... Maybe that'll be my homework tomorrow; would be good to know how since I also have some glow-in-the-dark powder for glass!!!
More views here (nothing exciting though ... ;-)

October 22, 2008

Pink Flower

Second flower for the necklace.
Materials: 28ga Argentium silver with pink Kunzite, glass briolettes, and silver beads. Size: ~ 2" dia.
More view here.

Blue Flower

This is the first of several flowers for a long necklace.
Materials: 28ga Argentium silver, blue calcedony, fuchsia glass brioletts, and silver beads; flower size: ~ 2" dia.
More views here.

October 21, 2008

Long Earrings with Citrine

I haven't been doing my homework for a while... Time to go back to school.
This is a pair of earrings following Eni Oken's tutorial. The only tricky part is making same size circles, which I only realized till too late. Oh well, next time.
Materials: 26ga sterling silver with citrine, glass pearls, and silver beads. This pair goes well with yesterday's Jewel Encrusted cuff.
More views here.

October 20, 2008

Jewel Encrusted Cuff

This cuff is substantial, to say the least. I first saw a cuff by Jodi Bombardier in Wire Style. Really liked it and wanted one for myself. Unfortunately, Wire Style is not big on step by step instructions. I followed the basic steps, then the wrapping got more and more confusing as I finished the first round. Half way thru, I gave upon the book, went on my own way of wrapping, hours and hours of wrapping.
I'm pretty happy with the outcome; but not sure if this is production worthy; after all, this is not a style for everyone.
Materials: 12ga Argentium silver for the frame, 26ga sterling silver for wrapping, 4 citrine beads, lots of fresh water pearls, glass beads, charlottes, and spacers.
More views here.

October 18, 2008

Now I understand ...

... what they mean by "a face only a mother could love".

(note to self: next time when I'm tired from wrapping wire, I should just stop.)

More views here.

October 17, 2008

Setting Sun

Made with craft wire wrapping a 6 mm red crystal. Similar techniques as Blue Bubbles. Been trying to find a nicer way to finish off the back side of ring, but my head is not working today; must be the fever:-(....
More views here.

October 16, 2008

Update to Adjustable Ring

Same Adjustable Ring; I curled up each tip slightly to give it more interests.

Maybe I can add a small bead or stone somewhere ...

October 14, 2008

Six's Adjustable Ring

Take a piece of 18ga wire, bend it left and right, connect ends with simple scrolls, done, simple enough.

It'll expand and contract slightly when worn, comfortable on the finger, shows bit of industrial flair.

This design was inspired by the spiky bracelet worn by Six in early seasons of re-imagined BSG (will have to find a picture of it to post here). I think I'll make a bracelet to go with this ring.

Blue Bubbles and Tea Roses

A free form ring gone out of control...
It started out as a simple 3-wire wave ring which looked a bit bland. So I took a 28ga wire, put on a big blue pearl to fill an empty spot, then a small pearl, just another, one more, the other side looked lighter than this side, so add a crystal, then sead beads, etc, etc...

Oh btw, here's the first incarnation of the free form ring.

Click here for more views.

October 7, 2008

Sterling Heart

Yards and yards of 28ga Argentium wire wrapped around 2 pieces of 16ga sterling silver wire, then manipulated separately and joined side by side to form a heart shape, with silver beads decorating the overlapping joints and a small dangle of SW crystals adding movement. The piece measures about 2"x2".