November 28, 2008

Slinky Ring

This is a prototype for a slinky style ring. Several wraps of wire on a ring mandrel, tie down the back, add beads to the top. Simple enough to make, easily adapted for fancier looks.

I learned a few things:

If the thin wire is not covering the whole ring, it needs to stay on top and/or bottom of ring; sporadic wrapping on left or right side of ring makes it scratchy to wear, very uncomfortable.

Beads with a flat side and center drilled work better on this ring.

Whenever possible, make the beads sit on top of two wires; for this reason, it's better to use half hard wire and slightly hammer the ring wire; this not only hardens the wire, it also provides a flatter surface for the beads to stay put. For pratice here, I used all craft wires: 18ga for ring, 28ga for wrapping, a SS bead and 3 freshwater pearls.

More images here.

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