February 8, 2009


Since I'm still out of thick wires, I thought this is a good time to try a round of all the chainmaille weaves I've learned so far with 18 or smaller gauge wires. Here is the first weave I learned, Byzantine.

About a year ago when I saw this weave for the first time, I thought it's pretty but too much for me to tackle. I downloaded a tutorial but could never get thru more than 3 steps, very depressing, imagine this was listed as a beginner weave ...

But not until I read more about it, went thru more than a dozen tutorials, YouTube videos, and books, the light bulb finally came on. Yes, I'd say this sure is a beginner weave, now I can do it while watching TV! This dainty bracelet was made of 18 ga SS wire, AR is 3, too small for the traditional 2-connector, so I went with 1-connector. Used about 6' of wire, final length 7". Oh, and the clasp is 14 ga SS, a test piece from a few years back.

More images here.

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