February 27, 2010

Honey Bees

Honey Bee is weave by Redcrow of Corvuschain; it is in the Helm/Parallel family. Helm is a surprisingly versatile weave; so many variations and most are easily scalable to different aspect ratios.

This bracelet is made with Niobium rings from The Ring Lord; 18 gauge, 1.2 mm, aspect ratio is almost 5.5; slightly bigger than what's in the tutorial. So, instead of 2 rings on each bee's body, I added one more ring. Can you see the bees? I hope so; see the wings, the body, and the antenna, all there! They are sooooo adorable! The clasp is hand forged with 16 gauge Nb wire; I think I may change it to a toggle, might match more to the bee shape. Also check out the color version!

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