March 5, 2011

Blooming Fuchsias Earrings

Another brand new, original design of mine!

This pair of earrings literally "bloomed" right in front of my eyes.  I didn't plan on it, never even had a sketch; I was playing with an idea from Spider's Helm necklace, pairing large and small rings for something whimsical.

After 3 pairs of large rings, I got side tracked, as usual, and thought "what would happen if I just connect the 3 pairs into a circle?..." From there, it was a free fall; no longer me weaving the rings, but the rings guiding my hands, almost telling me where they want to be, and voila! There it is!

The form and the colors just scream "Fuchsia", don't they? The Black Ice rings from TRL may not be the typical shade for fuchsias, but they come in so many fantastic colors, specially my favorite has long been Midnight Diva (I know, it really should be Diva Midnight, but hey, these are my earrings!)

So there they are, "Midnight Diva", the first in my new line of fuchsia earrings.

Stay tuned; there'll be more to come!  In the mean time, check out more pix here.

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