May 21, 2012

Tripoli Triangle

I must have been drugged.... for 2 days straight.... by this little triangle!!!

It's another shameless copy of Scott David Plumlee's masterful play on Byzantine weave.  From the first moment I saw it, I was hooked; yet it took me nearly a year to finally make a successful Tripoli Triangle.

No, it's not hard.  Anyone who's done Byzantine and Mobius can figure out how to make this.  But the devil is in the details.  Took me a while to find just the right size rings to create a sturdy yet still flexible chainmaille pendant.  Mind you, this is not a sculpture:-)

Before getting this one done just right, I went thru several iterations; I like some guess work with some math when it comes to chainamille...:-)  This one is my favorite so far; it has 2 ring sizes: 19 swg, BA, wrapped on 1/8" mandrel, actual AR about 3.35; large rings are 16 swg, BA also, wrapped on 7/32" mandrel.  Won't surprise me these are not the sizes that Master Plumlee used, but this combination works for me.  So I made another one, and another, one more, etc.  Now I'm tempted to try his Sequential Triangle bracelet......

This little triangle is totally addictive!


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