February 4, 2013

A few words of gratitude ....

For a while, I find myself dragging my feet in updating my websites and online shop.  I almost dread finishing a piece of jewelry, because there are so many places to update....

I used to just hold a new bracelet, necklace, or what not, in my hands, admire it, put it on, look in mirror, maybe pat myself on the back, and that's it!  Into a drawer and on to the next project.

Now, there's the picture taking, which is often more work than making the pieces, then the cropping, cleaning up photos, copyrighting, uploading to various sites, writing the descriptions, oh and not to mention the documentation of the material, costing and pricing, updating the inventory, keeping tack of what's used and what's left, when to reorder, from whom, figuring out what just changed in facebook, how to use flickr/shutterfly/picasa, you name it, what to include in my blog, how to attract traffic and customers to the shop, etc., etc., that's a whole different world than just making bracelets.....  Oh and yeah one more thing, and this one is BIG:  More often than not, the tax man/woman wants their cuts, oy!

I hated all of this!  Really wanted to give up selling my work....

Then, from time to time, I get such kind and heart-warming emails from customers who take the extra effort to write to me telling me how much they love my work!!  That makes my day!

I know I've always wanted to make crafts for my own sake, for the joy of creations, the moments when my brain cells make another connection, that's pure pleasure no money can buy!

But I won't lie.  Hearing from happy customers, knowing my babies went to a loving home, that's some very rewarding icing on the cake!

So allow me to say this,

To all who had been there, in one way or another, with or without words, fed my crafting addictions through the years, from the bottom of my heart,

Thank you!!!!

I will continue to make and sell my crafts.  And I hope you will continue to visit my studio.  I look forward to hearing from you!


*~ xoxoxo ~*


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