October 21, 2013

One More Night at Denny's

Ha ha ha, yup, one more of these pretty little bracelets, One Night at Denny's!

This one is for my dear friend Margaret's mom's upcoming birthday celebration.

Selected by Margaret's two boys, the original version was a rather jingly one, with lots of bells, and it went to my friend Sara.  Now Sara is always ready for her next belly dancing party:-)

Margaret likes this bracelet for her mom with beads instead of bells.  Equally colorful and eye-catching, but much more quiet....

What do you think?  Comments/critiques welcome!!

I think I will make another one, this time with rings more inline with BrassAnvil's original specs on M.A.I.L., I like the contrasts between the different gauges of rings, and the way it gladly welcomes any beads, bells, charms, dangles, etc. along with the fun!!



  1. I love this - so cute & cheerful.

    1. Me too; it certainly has that effect, doesn't it? :-) Thank you, ctb18!
