November 29, 2008

Super-Sized Knot

Did I mention these Danish Knots are addictive? They are deliciously addictive :-)

This is made of 26" of 12 gauge AS, the ID of each coil was 15mm. They really should have been 15.92mm, but I don't have anything that size in my household... which means the 3rd coil took some persuasion to thread through. Good thing this is dead soft wire, fanning out the coils wasn't too difficult.

This shows how big they are:On the left is the 12ga jumbo knot; on the right is the 16ga baby. When I first finished the 16ga one, I thought this is great, it's bigger, sturdier, in better condition than yesterday's prototype. I was plenty happy already.

Then I read about Aspect Ratio (AR) in last issue of Step by Step Wire, in the books I borrowed from the library, and online, of course. I thought why not go BIG, like 12ga big? I worked out the total length of wire needed and the mandrel size. Making this knot took little time, relatively speaking... But, wait till you feel the bundle in your hand, it's a BIG boy all right!

Things learned from making the jumbo knot:
  1. Using dead soft wire definitely helps in shaping the knot. Half hard was too springy.
  2. When fanning out coils, start sreading from outter rings, one ring at a time in small increment, go around all 3 coils evenly.
  3. Giving a bit more overlap on both cut ends of coils allows better locking of the coils inside the knot; about 1/4" on each end for the 12ga knot.
More images here.

Now I just need to find a good home for these little darlings.

UPDATE, 12/3/2008:
I'm keeping this one:-)

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