June 6, 2013

Dancing in the Rainbow - Part 2

Following upon yesterday's post of the sparkly set of "Dancing in the Rainbow", here's a little collage for the necklace.

This genie bottle pendant has the same elements as all her older sisters:-) but a whole lot more colors.  In fact, just about all the colors in the rainbow, and a couple more, making up the chamber portion of the chainmaille genie bottle.

Unlike all my other genie bottle pendants that "lounge" on the neck chains, this "all-spectrum" genie bottle sits straight up in the middle of the necklace.  It's incorporated into the necklace in a more classic design, very prim and proper:-)

Same as the other pieces of the set, this necklace is loaded with Swarovski crystals on its fringes.  We are going full force for the "bling factor"!

Now that we're all set,

~~~~~ Shall we dance? ~~~~~

For complete views of this very special set, please visit my Google Photos album.



  1. Wow. When I get a job, I think I'm definitely saving up for a genie bottle or two!

  2. Aww... thank you, Rainy! Very happy for your visit to my blog:-) I love hearing from my readers. Glad you like my genie bottle design; be sure to stop by often for more genie bottles coming up soon!
